Sunday, April 26, 2009

What are the two most needed services in North America today?

Lesson for the weekend ending and day dreaming of sleep

Well Saturday was a day of learning and I'm happy that I was in company with like-minded people for a few hours. I found out that Kroll ,a company that provides services to my members with Identity Theft Shield, are the only company of it's kind that has access not only to the US/Canada data base but also have access to the European data base. This is huge! More protection and services to those that have taken the steps to protect all they have worked for and their families with a Prepaid Legal Services ,Life Event's plan and Identity Theft Shield.

But today's big chill isn't really a chill . . .It's just my air conditioner blowing on my neck.Feels great! And new frame for the bed means I'll sleep that much better tonight. That is if I don't get awakened by a tornado warning. LOL Well good night for now. . .I'm off to learn more about the world we live in.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My first steps into blog world!

Well I'm here and taking a big step into a new media for me anyway. I'm tired but enthusiastic about all the possibilities and ahhhh spell check that' s good!